Sunday, June 13, 2010

Prom Night

It was an awesome night at J.W.Marriott. Everyone dressed up in their Sunday best to attend the Atlantis Odyssey. The environment was just nice and we have awesome performances on the stage. However, the food served was not up to our expectations and the dance floor was too small. Most of the time, we are busy taking pictures with each other and teachers as this prom is also our farewell party.

Not forget to mention that Fred won the best dressed for the prom. We are proud of him for winning something for PE5!

After the prom, those who stayed overnight at Marriott went clubbing at a club located at Cangkat. The entrance fees and the price for the Chivas was reasonable but the dance floor was a little too packed. It was an epic night and some of us get drunk so badly.

After clubbing, some of us decided to go for supper at a mamak restaurant but they ended up visiting K.F.C.

The next morning, those early birds went for breakfast at a bakery just a stone throw away from our hotel. After everyone woke up and got ready, we checked out from the hotel and went for a movie at Pavilion. The A-team was a good movie. However, some of us fell asleep during the movie!

It was a tyring but interesting night out. I think some of us need some serious rest for the next few days. Love you people, always!

PS: Caprice is damn awsome!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's Over!

It's party time! A2 examinations are finally over. After one and a half years of suffer, we finally got rid of it!

We tried to play DotA in the library but it was disappointing. We have to leave the computer lab before the game starts as some lectures needed to give some talk to the new intakes.

I'm really looking forward to the prom and other plans that are coming up. I just want to enjoy with my friends for my last few days in KL.

PS: I really miss you guys out there.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Am I Ready?

Both Chemistry and Accounting are really making me sick as both aren't my favourite subjects. Bored to the max!

I kinda miss my friends. They went missing as examinations are closing by and I hardly see anyone online. No friends online = no chat; no chat = boring. DotA? No! Not till exams are over.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Facing A Road Block

Finally, I'm back here again. Nothing actually catches my attention in these couple of months, probably I'm too stressed up on focusing on my A2 final exams. I have chemistry and accounting coming up next back to back. It sounds insane but I've gone through the similar situation for physics and maths so I think I am able to handle it. I hope all the best for you all out there who are facing examinations too. Work hard to aim for the best and may God bless you all!

A-level is coming towards and end. Have you all plan for your future? Most of us are going in different directions and in the end we are going to say goodbye to each other. One and a half year is a short period but I have make lots of friends and learn new things. Sometimes, I may have done something wrong or offended some of you. I would like to apologize for my mistakes and misbehavior.

I'm also looking forward to the prom night. This might sound funny but I've never been to one before. I know there will be an after party too and it will be an amazing night.